Service at 10AM
Doors open at 9:45! We encourage you to come early to find a seat and say hello to friends before the service begins.
Food and drinks are not allowed in the theatre but you can enjoy coffee and community after the service in our courtyard.
If you’re not able to make it in person, you can watch Live at our Youtube channel, HERE.
What To Expect If You're a Visitor
How To Get Involved
If you are ready to get connected beyond Sunday mornings, let us know! We would love to get you plugged in to the right lifegroup, class, or volunteer opportunity. You can also find upcoming activities on our events page.

What To Wear
We are a come as you are space! You will see a range of “Sunday best” to beach casual attire at Oceanhills. We are just glad you are joining us, so please wear whatever you are most comfortable in.

Enter in through Cota Street and make your way back to one of the parking lots. We are able to park in rows on the basketball courts and take up the front parking spaces.

We meet inside The Marjorie Luke Theatre at Santa Barbara Junior High each week and we know it can be a little tricky to find! Walk in from the parking lot by our connect tent and our patio team will be there to greet you.

Kids Programming
We have an incredible Okids team each week ready and equipped to teach your kids during the service! Once you walk inside the double doors you will see orange signs pointing you in the right direction based on their age. Follow those and we’ll get you all checked in from there. On the fourth Sunday of each month, we invite K-4th graders to start in the main service with us and then they are dismissed from there.

Youth Programming
We love our youth! Each Sunday, 5th-12th graders start in the main service with all of us. From there, 5th-8th are dismissed out the back to meet with the junior high leaders and have their own programming. 9th-12th graders get to stay in the service and participate with our greater church body! However, on communion Sundays we have all youth stay in the main service.

Most weeks after the sermon, we have prayer team available in the front corners to pray over people – prayers of blessing, healing, and care. You are invited to come forward and receive prayer every week!

We celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins during communion on the first Sunday of every month. This spiritual practice is not for the perfect, but for those willing to admit their need for God‘s grace.

We are able to participate in God’s Kingdom work here in Santa Barbara through your generous donations. You’re able to donate at all times online here or you can bring a physical donation on Sunday to place in the wooden boxes in our theatre’s lobby.

Patio Time
We invite everyone to stay after the service to grab coffee, get info on upcoming events, and mingle on our patio.
Past Sermons
If you’re not able to make it in person, you can watch or listen to the past sermons!